The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is an identical assessment—delivered in English—that helps business schools assess the qualifications of applicants for higher study in business and management. Schools use the test as one forecaster of academic performance in an MBA program or even in other graduate management programs.
About GMAT Measures
The GMAT exam is basically to measure verbal, mathematical, and analytical writing skills which one have developed over a long period of time in their education and work. IT DOES NOT MEASURE:
• Your knowledge about the business,• Your skills regarding job profile,• Precise content in your undergraduate or first university course work,• Your abilities in any other precise subject area, or• Subjective qualities—such as motivation, creativity, and interpersonal skills.
The GMAT exam is consist of three main section,
• Analytical Writing Assessment• Quantitative Section and • Verbal Section
Analytical Writing Assessment
The GMAT exam starts with the Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA). The AWA comprises of two separate writing tasks—basically to do analysis on a particular Issue and analysis on any Argument. Time limit will be given 30 minute to each one.
Quantitative Section
You will have an optional ten-minute break, and then begin the Quantitative Section of GMAT exam. You will have 37 multiple-choice questions of two types, 1-Data Sufficiency and 2-Problem Solving. You will be given 75 minutes to complete the same.
Verbal Section
Again a 10-minute break will take place, and you would begin with Verbal Section of GMAT exam. 41 Multiple choice questions will be given, which would be of three types, 1-Reading Comprehension, 2-Critical Reasoning, and 3-Sentence Correction. Time limit will be 75 minute to complete the same.