More Wacky Adventures in Stud

Felicia mentioned some simple, but great advice in my comments. "Patience is another word for Stud." I've taken many of her suggestions to heart. Within the first few minutes of meeting her last April she told me that I played too many hands in tournaments. This time, I applied her suggestion towards cracking the low limit Stud tables on Party Poker. I had another 70 BB winning session. I would have won more if I wasn't beaten on two seventh street flush suckouts. I lost a monster pot with rolled up Queens. I never paired the board before he hit his flush. Overall, I tightened up my starting hands... and I still think I could play a lot more tighter! I played a $10 Stud SNG earlier with poor results. I was third in chips at one point and I folded hand after hand until I found 6K/K and limped in. I was pumped by fifth street with: 6K/KAA and heads up with the chipleader, a loose cannon who played every hand to the river. He had xx/10-7-5 with no possible flushes. I never caught another A or K and had to settle with my two pair. He caught running cards on sixth and seventh streets to hit his straight. I got bubbled out in 5th place. Stud SNGs are eight-handed and the top 4 get paid. I'm improving every session and getting a better feel for my opponents. I am putting them on hands a lot easier than before. Playing Stud as compared to Omaha hi/lo has done wonders to my confidence and bankroll (outside of hold'em). I feel positive about my Stud game, whereas in Omaha hi/lo, I feel as though I'm constantly struggling just to break even. Late last night I bubbled out of an Omaha hi/lo SNG. Late in the game, it was four handed. I was second in chips. With Ad2d3cKc, I flopped the Wheel... only to lose to a higher straight on the river and chop the low pot with two other players. The next hand, as the short stack, I moved all-in. I was booted with AAJJ, double suited. I flopped a set of Jacks and a nut flush draw. I lost to a straight. Bubbled out again.Hilton Sisters screwed me royally last night in a NL ring game. I lost to pocket 88s when the guy hit his set on the flop. They always make me scream somehow.

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